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Connaissez-vous cet air ?

Il y a 5330 jours

Country - English
Listen (21)

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  • "it was a random song i heard on esound, the song at the end is scarlxrd - atxmic bxmb 
    mafin411Mon, 29 Apr 2024 19:52
    ai or Generator it hurts me to hear this
  • "some of these comments man. lol"
  • "No problem "
  • Carl92 - "Swinging that Thingy"
  • "some of these comments man. lol"
  • "might be wrong but to me it sounds like he says "possibly graffiti, rappers, etcsetera likers do" but idk for sure. I tried to look up the lyrics on google and youtube but found nothing so far. The song sounds good tho I hope it gets found"
  • "ai or Generator it hurts me to hear this"
  • "Sounds like some scrapped Skrillex or Virtual Riot song. I love it."
  • "Sorry, I dont think that's it, please reject"
  • 2
    a sample in Musique classique
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