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Otis McDonald - Complicate Ya

found in 28 min



name that song

  • 11
    a sample in Pop
  • 11
    a sample in Rock
  • 11
    a sample in Pop
  • "I found it while clearing the chat file cache of my QQ (a chat software similar to Discord), which is notorious in my country for saving any images or videos referenced during conversations and occupying a lot of hard drive space. I can no longer remember who sent it to me or when it was sent to a certain server, it just lay quietly on my hard drive for many years.

    I have asked many of my friends about its possible source, but have not received any definite clues. However, considering its name is dummy. mp3 and that I have joined many strange retro game communities before, I guess it may come from an OST of a certain game.

    I couldn't find any information about this song on all the music software and video websites I know, even though I tried using various audio recognition functions. If anyone can help me find its source or any clues, it would be a big help to me. Thank you very much."
  • "I mean… could also be from Lakshadweep, India ig
    inevitivSat, 25 May 2024 20:04
    No no, it's in Divehi, which means the song is from Maldives.
    windoThu, 23 May 2024 12:48
    something Turkish and Arabic
  • 12
    lis Dahlia - Demam Dangdut
  • a sample in Rock
  • new sample in Pop
  • "Also think I should mention it's labelled as Marionette but it doesn't sound like them"
  • new sample in Pop
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