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  • "@bruno81
    Wow, that was fast - thats the song - Thanx!"
  • "OMG  I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you for your effort guys!!! I feel so emotional right now, someone even covered this song and It sounds lit! And Sammy is out there surprised about his song being on YT. All because I finally decided to upload after repeatedly listening It on my MP4 for 8 years, for all my teenage years! Listening to a song without a name was a mysterious experience, but finally finding about It is the greatest feeling ever! 

    I cannot thank you enough. I'm struggling with my final exam on uni these days that's why I'm just seeing your replies, and you guys just made my day!

    -me aka duru4998 on YT
    TraivMon, 03 Jun 2024 17:13

    In the meantime, I managed to reach Sammy directly, here's his reply:

    I am really surprised (and honored!) to find this song up here in Youtube! I wrote and recorded this song in my little home studio, while living in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. In the Geary 2000´s I was the lead singer and guitarist in the band Springrain (1999-2003 - We were highly inspired by bands like Texas is the Reason, Quicksand, Jimmy Eat World, Elliott to name a few. I formed this band together with friends from previous bands (Hardcore band Crivits, Raise Kaine and other local bands). During that time I recorded many songs and "Musical brain-farts”, which I like to call them, and recorded them any time of the day and when I had some inspiration that I need to put down “on paper”. This is just one song of many I recorded those days. Shortly after I started playing in an emo band called Awaiting Seasons (from Tilburg) and later on forming a band with my best buddies from Amsterdam, called My Favourite Confession. I guess this song came from the days that I mostly was listening to Elliott and their album “False Cathedrals" which I think is a masterpiece on its self. Great that my song is shared, liked and even covered! Crazy and I am honored! Thank you all who find my brain farts good enough to be shared and covered ( This song was added as demo songs to the crazy good MP3/Flac/WAV Audio player called “Billy” from SheepFriends. SheepFriends were apps made by Sanne, who is one of my best friends, and also the drummer of My Favourite Confession. Hope this makes the song a bit less “Unknown Artist”. - Sam(my)

  • "I Shazam the song and I got a result"
  • רונן הופמן - Ole Li Le
  • "It lines up pretty well with this subreddit post about how the supposed person is a writer for the song:

    And this: 
    Martin Speake (Alto sax), Nick Costley-White (Guitar), Nick Jurd (Bass) and Dan Harding (Drums)"
  • 1
    suno ai - suno ai
  • 1
    "yep that is ai, that is suno ai, i work with ai and i can tell that is suno. "
  • 5
    КИНО - Перемен!
  • 9
    "Intro part"
  • "Can anyone buy premium for this please"
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