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Véronique et Davina - Gym Tonic

il y a 5430 jours

Country - French

found in 1 min



name that song

  • a sample in Bande sonore
  • new sample in Electro
  • a sample in Other
  • "however listening on the vocaroo link you provided i wouldn't be suprised if it was background music for some old flash game or something like that as it is pretty much just repeating"
  • a sample in
  • a sample in
  • a sample in Rock
  • "I have zero clue, the Google photos data doesn’t tell me either. My best guess is that I downloaded it from Bandcamp or something but it was an mp4 so probably not?? Idk
    abcisthegigWed, 12 Jun 2024 01:38
    that sounds really good, do you know where you might have found this piece back in 2017?
  • new sample in Other
  • "i'm guessing we're hoping he's a producer and not just a collector then haha. if he turns out to actually create music then maybe you could find it laying around in some music production software."
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