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Raúl Di Blasio - Jusqu'a' Toi

il y a 5485 jours


found in 242 jours



name that song

  • 1
    "It seems like the song was made by the guy you found it from, and he posts videos with only that audio and is the only person to make videos using it. The name of the audio (according to TikTok) is 'Frutiger Aero Song' and the creator is the guy you mentioned (aestheticguy_xoxo) I contacted him and will update you with the answer but until then it seems like the song was made by him"
  • new sample in Other
  • 1
  • new sample in Other
  • "Ok I got back on the computer and it said the audio file was made back in 2002 and did some more digging and it is a .mid file "
  • 1
    new sample in Other
  • ""
  • a sample in Other
  • 1
    a sample in Rock
  • 1
    a sample in Electro
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