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Nóvé - Boris B.

il y a 5435 jours

Country - English

found in 108 jours



name that song

  • a sample in Electro
  • "i'll try to find it
    elveeozTue, 11 Jun 2024 03:11
    Definitely not 80s. Beat and slang sounds like 94. You don't have the YouTube link?
  • 2
    Texas - Halo
  • a sample in Pop
  • "There is a mention of it in the Radio times here at 21:00 on the 11/09/76.

    This recording appears at the end of a tape with Caravan in Concert on it.  That went out on the 17/07/76.  I've compared my recording with the one suggested by Kazimir but they just don't match up visually in the audo editor.  I'll have to listen to them more.  I dare say my recorder might have been operating at the wrong speed and maybe tapes stretch over time."
  • new sample in Pop
  • 1
    a sample in Pop
  • a sample in Electro
  • "do you remember where you got this snippet from?"
  • a sample in Musique classique
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