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Michel Sardou - La Rivière de notre enfance

il y a 5709 jours

Soundtracks - French

found in 1 min



name that song

  • "To me, sounds like a cover of "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division. There are many interpretations of the song even some orchestrals ones.."
  • a sample in Musique classique
  • a sample in -Quiz-
  • "Muchas gracias por encontrarla, Was it easy to find?"
  • 1
    The Cheesedogs - Rita Jenrette
  • 4
    Sample was edited
  • a sample in Rock
  • a sample in Rock
  • 9
    a sample in Pop
  • 4
    "Update for this lost sample: I've ordered the CD containing this song which will arrive in a week. I'll update this post when it arrives."
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