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Krister Linder - L'Eau

il y a 2035 jours

Electro - English

found in 7 min



name that song

  • a sample in Rock
  • "My dad has a playlist on his pc that he made a long time ago but without the songs and artist's name :/ So I tried to shazam or with the lyrics but this was the only one that I couldn't. Some of the songs only had a few seconds of reconding including this one because the playlist is too old. This one has a 19 secondes longer sample, but my dad took the pc from me so I can't give a longer sample right now, so we have to wait until he give me back his pc."
  • a sample in Pop
  • CAKE - The Distance
  • 4
    "Ignore my mom and dad talking"
  • 4
    new sample in Soul, Funk, Rap
  • 1
    a sample in Pop
  • 1
    a sample in Rock
  • "Okay so. I feel the need to stress that A Moment Without You is NOT the sample. The album it was on came out in 2021, and Clear Sky (and Sieben as a whole) came out in 2020. If there's any lead that should be thrown out, it's this one. I sourced the snippet from it and probably ran some noise reduction for the hiss in the background, so in a way it is AMWY sped up, but it is in no way the sample."
  • 1

    Longer snippit ^"
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