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Jess & Crabbe - Carnival Time

found in 23 jours



name that song

  • 3
    "I've tried searching for this one for a little while, but to no avail.
    If you type "what is lurking in the shadows of love" (with quotation marks) into google search, you'll get a page on a website ( which will include all the lyrics used in this snippet, only the lyrics used in this snippet and not attribute it to any song, simply saying that its searching for those lyrics, even though you would have only typed in some of the lyrics it's showing. I have no clue whatsoever what that might mean, but I think it's worthwhile mentioning."
  • "No, I don't unfortunately
    kazimirTue, 11 Jun 2024 03:23
    Do you have a longer sample?
  • "a hard rock style 80's music test

  • 1
    a sample in Musique classique
  • new sample in Other
  • "Have you tried to get into contact with that teacher and ask her?"
  • 1
    a sample in Rock
  • "realised that the song is now 2000 years old. (around 5 years old)"
  • "yea maybe
    percent99Thu, 13 Jun 2024 18:23
    I found that but not sure if its it, mabye you wanted like the synth version?
  • a sample in Pop
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