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Dazibao - Baykher


il y a 5493 jours

Country - Arabic

found in 6 jours



name that song

  • "actually, i may have pinpointed it..."
  • "probably wont be stát. theres a Š or Ž sound there. Also instead of "ti" it could be "tě (you)"
    julombieMon, 17 Jun 2024 16:51
    I think it might be something like " ti stát"
  • a sample in Other
  • "apparently, said that it's "The Yeti by The Men of Noise""
  • "

    i've gotten an answer from where  i got the song itself from, they say it's Bittertooth's "Winter Storm".

    still struggling to find it.

  • "I think it might be something like " ti stát""
  • José Alfredo Jiménez - Deja que salga la Luna
  • José Alfredo Jiménez - Deja que salga la Luna
  • new sample in Pop
  • "Czech speaker here, the text is super uninteligible. Can only transcribe it as Matěšád which doesnt mean anything or is in any way shape or form similar to any czech word i can think of. It sounds like a last name but it doesnt seem to be the case. Only explanation i can think of is that it is 2 words, probably the first one being cut off or something. All i can think of could be Máte Šat ("have clothing", šat is a very old word but also considering the target demo of czech brasserie it isnt out of the question) but idk that seems like a dumb way to end a song xd."
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