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Axel Richter - Vladimir's blues

il y a 5043 jours

found in 4 heures



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  • 4
    Andrzej Rybiński - Czemu jesteś wierna mi
  • Sample was edited
  • new sample in Pop
  • new sample in Other
  • 3
    "the proposal is correct. It's a well known meme in spanish-speaking communities"
  • "I remember it was taken from a racing game."
  • "Might have been a .mid file. Sounds like the windows media player legacy instruments, either the source was .mid or the file itself is, impossible to tell really.
    PixelNinja88Sat, 01 Jun 2024 23:35
    i was looking on a old computer like a really old one the thing barely runs any modern game and I was looking through the audio files saw a bunch of audio files and I there was just this 10 second audio that was this
  • a sample in Musique classique
  • 4
    ""Anyway, I got it out of my system" if treated as English."
  • "idk about you but your starting to sound like a carl92 rn "
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