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Antique - Opa Opa

il y a 3240 jours


found in 12 min



name that song

  • 1
    Side Entrance - Defy the mall
  • a sample in Rock
  • "I remember the audio having a pixel art of a clown with his finger in the air like he was cuphead in that rap battle when he was about to fight the root pack.

    I'd really like to find this audio because my friend put this in his roblox game one (the game was never released) and now he would like to reach out to the author to recreate the music and remaster it :)"
  • "I remember hearing it on the radio and I also remember that my mother he played that song a long time ago but obviously I didn't give it any importance until I started seeing about lostwave"
  • 10
    a sample in Other
  • 10
    METAL ONE - Outside
  • "the original source comes from here"
  • 1
    "Thank you, I still can't believe Vanessa Doll is just stealing people's songs in her fake album"
  • 1
    "If its alright can I ask a few questions

    Do you have a long a sample

    Whats the original source"
  • a sample in Other
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