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  • a sample in Pop
  • a sample in Pop
  • Polo Est - Fly Fly
  • Sample was edited
  • a sample in Rock
  • a sample in Soul, Funk, Rap
  • a sample in Electro
  • a sample in Pop
  • 11
    "O.K.! You're welcome. 😊 So, this is what we got so far: 

    1. track: Ennio Morricone - L'uomo dell'armonica (remix/sampled song?)

    2. track: Rudebwoylicious - 2 Bad (found by googling lyrics, on D'n'B internet forum)

    Note: Lyrics are coming from: Spragga Benz - Badman Anthem

    3. track: they sampled Armand van Helden - The Funk Phenomena; I don't see anything under that title and Drum and bass on Discogs (the original of that phrase: Method Man and Redman - How high).

    4. track: they sing "Zion people" or something like "people" after "Zion"; probably it comes from reggae. There are about 100 results for Zion and D'n'B for the 1990s and 2000s, so we'll definitely check them all. 
    ElliNThu, 16 May 2024 00:53
    In my opinion, the first piece used before the vocals is indeed the song from "Ennio Morricone - L'uomo dell'armonica - C'era Una Volta Il West (1968)" But I think it's a remix, and then the second track is "Rudebwoylicious - 2 Bad (Part 2)". Then I don't know what other tracks there are. But it would be really great to find the exact name of the remix of "Ennio Morricone - L'uomo dell'armonica - C'era Una Volta Il West (1968)"
  • 4
    "An apology, it's totally solved, it's "Los Bandidos - Ven", from 1973."
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