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Can you name this song?

2386 days ago

Soul, Funk, Rap
Listen (48)

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Name this Song


name that song
  • "Alright so the first thing I noticed was that he said "Il est lent ce lait", a famous French meme. I could find its origins in 2021, so I think it means that the song came out after that year or during it."
  • Sample was edited
  • new sample in Pop
  • "All I know is it's at least 2 years old"
  • "Something about the vocals seems slightly off but idk if it's autotune, AI, compression, or artifacts, maybe even a bad quality microphone "
  • new sample in Rock
  • "Maybe it's someone singing with an AI voice changer, did those exist back then?
    niskiTue, 07 May 2024 11:32
    actually idk the vocals feel weird it might be AI
  • "actually idk the vocals feel weird it might be AI"
  • "i think it's the heavy mp3 / noise reduction artifacts that make it sound AI. it has an AI quality to it but the voice feels too "correct" to be AI"
  • new sample in Other
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