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Can you name this song?

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Name this Song


name that song
  • "I know it's been a while, but did your uncle bring the CD over? 
    Xatufan99Mon, 04 Dec 2023 06:14
    So apparently my uncle has the cd this is on. It's apparently part of a whole unreleased album from a band that I've never heard of before. A band called "Year Zero" he said. He thinks he got it maybe in 2001 or 2003 somewhere in between. He also said he'll bring the cd when he visits this Christmas. Btw sorry for the long wait, I had adhd and forgot about this. 
    Xatufan99Fri, 06 Oct 2023 00:53
    Thanksgiving is coming up soon. My dad told me that someone in the family might know what this song is. I’ll keep you posted
  • new sample in Other
  • All Mankind - This is a Miracle
  • "oh, shit. should of said, that this link isn't the original link that I downloaded it from. it's my own re-upload. I couldn't find the original upload link because I'm a cultured individual who occasionally has to cough cough "research" cough cough. my history gets deleted every now and then."
  • 3
    a sample in Electro
  • 3
    a sample in Electro
  • 3
    a sample in Soundtrack
  • Sample was edited
  • Sample was edited
  • "this, even scratchy, sounds a bit like Oasis, but don't quote me on that. I hear, "Now I just sit and wait, I was here too late" "
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