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Far East Movement - satisfaction remix

found in 2 hours



name that song

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  • 12
    "She curious, me jealous because I didn't catch this treasure in my quiz. 😁 But this is the next best thing. 😊 Great find, thanks for sharing with us, Anon!

    By the way, I thought it was a male singing, I hope I'm not the only one. 🤣 I mean, if I was looking for this on Discogs and saw the picture, I'd just skip it. 😬 I opened this video because I thought it was a male name. And then I still thought she was just a model in the video until I googled her. 😁"
  • 2
    "so we have the full song, but not the name or the singer. is this correct?"
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  • 9
    "sounds familiar for me too. My mother also recognises it
    Person27Wed, 12 Jun 2024 20:09
    This song actually sound familiar to me. I feel like I must be mistaking it for another song though, I have to check.
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