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  • 121 samples posted
  • 1598 samples named
  • 2229 comments posted

"I listen to most music, but I prefer 80s."

Quiz Scoreboard
#1 - NanaDensin (48)
#2 - Katrina (30)
#3 - Serg67, morback (5)
#5 - Amatieris (4)
#6 - djalone, rebornjar (3)
#8 - Katy, miroVT, lawngreen, megara67 (2)
#12 - bodmerocity, joholt, NullSieben, Coruja, LucyLoudMx, wurzlsepp, zyroz, UnknownFind, binguslerman, bruno81, jildez, neoton (1)"

Samples (121)

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Follows (173)

pending (85)  -  confirmed (88)
  • Sample was edited
  • "According to the channel, it was recorded from a radio station between 1990-1991. It is described as "soft" and "enveloping" by one commentor."
  • Sample was edited
  • a sample in Other
  • "I'm gonna name every orchestra that it vaguely sounds like
    (in order of most likely to least likely) Carroll Gibbons Frankie Carle Russ Morgan Artie Shaw Benny Goodman Glenn Miller
    The person that made the track doesn't know what it is, either. Today Marigold (the person who manages FaN) said there was a kerfuffle about it a year or two back when there were only 2 missing FaN S1R samples. The search went dormant after a short amount of time. I'm determined to find out the sample, as this is many people's favorite track (INCLUDING MINE) and was so good it stayed the same even after a remaster of almost the entire album."
  • "Link:"
  • Sample was edited
  • new sample in Other
  • a sample in Other
  • Gary Lowry - The Crucifixion Medley
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