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WatZatSong est une communauté d'identification de chansons.

il y a 762 jours

Electro - English
Listen (66)

il y a 762 jours

Listen (51)
  • a sample in Rock
  • a sample in Rock
  • 9
    "medusa65's proposal seems right. maybe she could propose it? "
  • 5
    "Longer sample"
  • a sample in Rock
  • new sample in Rock
  • 5
    new sample in Electro
  • "Can you post the video link?
    exotichorseWed, 05 Jun 2024 18:43
    Hi I’m not trying to be attention I am just unsure as to what you are asking I cannot answer the questions because I am unsure. I simply know that this was from an old hard drive on a donation computer and it was unlocked
  • "And the living room is lit up by a cigarette flame
    And let us all survivors from the milky way
    Stars never move like that, no outer space
    [Imagine us?] longer"
  • 9
    "Sounds slightly different maybe because recording is radio? idk. Timeframe matches. Original sample starts from 0:00."
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