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  • David Thoughie - Cobman
  • "Tune ahead of its time."
  • "I'm guessing it could just be a production of ARM News"
  • "Could you post longer sample?"
  • "I think the reason why MTV wouldn't let them play that is self explanitory lol
    Trippin'Wed, 01 May 2024 00:01
    Sample is at the beginning of the song. If I recall correctly during a live show hosted by MTV or something, Kurt Cobain played this as sort've a prank but then quickly shifted in to Lithium before MTV cut the broadcast.
  • 6ixThrembo Cobbo - Soyjak Party Video Archive
  • 6ixThrembo - Cobbo
  • "This sounds like its more from early 1990's. Do you have any idea what kind of media type this VHS was?"
  • "Sample is at the beginning of the song. If I recall correctly during a live show hosted by MTV or something, Kurt Cobain played this as sort've a prank but then quickly shifted in to Lithium before MTV cut the broadcast."
  • a sample in Bande originales
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