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This sample has been deleted

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    "@mods Cleanup"
  • a sample in Rock
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    "Not try to seem nerdy but Just a correction is that the word play was the word that was stretched, but yeah it's definitely sound like the end of the song
    R3DAN7Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:30
    I think this snippet is at the end of the song cuz: 1. Singer sings "And NOW i know, its just a game...". mb this song is about: two people who stuck in the game, and through the song they realize that. 2. here chorus repeate 2 times, this is often using at the end in over songs. 3. and in 2 loop, singer stretched last word "game". this is often using at the end too.
    (i repost this comment from youtube)
  • 1
    a sample in Other
  • Damon (JAWHARP) on tiktok - [no title]
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    a sample in Rock
  • " i found the exact tiktok"
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    a sample in Rock
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    a sample in Musique classique
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