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Nico Muhly - Wonder Showzen

found in 55 min



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  • new sample in Pop
  • a sample in Pop
  • a sample in Musique classique
  • a sample in Other
  • a sample in Rock
  • 1
    a sample in Jazz, Blues
  • 1
    a sample in Jazz, Blues
  • " sample starts at 3:19"
  • 3
    "Here is what their website says: 

    Vision Statement:
    OOORAH! Entertainment's vision is to provide alternative methods of entertainment that are exciting and cutting edge as a way of shaping "arts & entertainment" to effect change in the hearts of society in a direction towards God.Mission Statement:
    Through the power, dominion, and timing of God, OOORAH! Entertainment will influence entertainment mediums such as television, radio, film, internet, and other mediums that may become available that will allow us to achieve our stated vision.

     OOORAH! Entertainment is a God-owned, tithing company.
     The crew of OOORAH! Entertainment are merely managers of the resources that He has given us charge over.
     We accept the management of His resources with great humility and honor.
     The golden rule - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
     Only promise what you can deliver.
     To deliver what is promised.
     Always give the best effort in any task.
     Moral Courage
     Always keep in mind that people are counting on us. For Example:

      -Youth Pastors hosting a community outreach event, praying that people's lives will be changed that night.
      -Parents trusting our shows, concerts, and events to be fun, family-friendly entertainment for them and their kids."
  • "Info: not much, there is literaly nothing i can say because theres no information, i recommend you watch the video because the sample there is alot easier to hear."
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