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Bonnie Grace - The Abode of Snow

found in 1060 jours



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  • a sample in Other
  • a sample in Pop
  • "The only thing I can tell you is that this is definitely not German or Russian. Sounds more like Chinese to me. I'm following, hope you find it!"
  • a sample in Musique du monde
  • "Nice, someone bought Premium for that! So here are the latest updates: The song is probably called "Nachts," as each verse starts with that word. It's played twice at the end of the video that Mello posted, around minute 17 (apparently via Windows Media Player).
    On Reddit, we speculated that it could be a live performance or something similar.
    However, the YouTuber mentioned that he found it on a royalty-free music/video platform, around 2000-2010.

    Genre: possibly "Liedmacher" or folk rock? "
  • "

    The cut in 00:32 is because I accidentally switched to another radio station"
  • new sample in Musique du monde
  • 9
    "this is actually no copyright music from YouTube audio library"
  • a sample in Musique du monde
  • a sample in Other
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