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  • "Let me get this straight - someone please explain it to me:
    So Señor Carlos (Carl92) was recording a song from a porn film? Something like "Angels of Passion" (1986)?
    And all this time he said he didn't remember the origin? (but Señor Carlos insisted that it was a song from the 80s)
    In Spain at the beginning of the 90s? (At that time, not even the king had a lover).
    What Spanish TV channel was that? (it wasn't cable, for sure - I did Camiño in the northern region in the late 90s, and I didn't see anything that offended the moralism of that time - and MTV was just starting in Europe and only established itself in Spain in 2000)
    And Señor Carlos 'just' accepts it in less than an hour after 490 days without any comment, additional info, or help?
    Was Señor Carlos embarrassed to say that he recorded a porn film?
    Did Señor Carlos mislead us all to "carry all his shame in disguise"?
    And what about 'Christopher Saint Booth' who says he has the original recording in his home/studio after 40 years?
    And that he and his brother recorded without commenting on female participation? (lead singer, back vocals, whatever...)
    Did they record by themselves only?
    Did they have a voice like that in their post-adolescence?
    Didn't he say in the interview that he was a musician looking for money and recognition?
    How old were these Booth brothers in '86? (in the interview Christopher said that his youngest son is 16 years old)
    Did Christopher's sons only notice this movement now? (just after the WZS community achieved some peace by reducing the fakes, what a  coincidence)
    And will they try to re-record with their current voices after finding the original recording?
    And why is everyone talking about Reddit and no one mentions WatZatSong?
    Wasn't the search born here?
    Wasn't this community the one that had to put up with countless fakes, including ones created with AI from Reddit members, and idiotic interpretations of "counting sheep in the sky"?
    Why the YouTube version is so dirty anyway? (almost  similar, or worse, to the Carlos' "amateur" sample)
    Was it recorded from a VCR playing "Angels of Passion" to an old TV set? (probably to show some authenticity)
    Please someone explain to me.
    "You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe." (Morpheus - Matrix, 1999)"
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