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WatZatSong is a song naming community.

226 days ago

"Full Song : Alright, I've been trying to figure out the identity of this song FOREVER, and now I'm enlisting the help of YouTube to figure it out. Here is what info I do have: In 2003, the Sci-Fi channel ran a commercial advertising the movies that were to premire on that channnel in 2004. It played every Sunday night before Steven Spielberg's "Taken". It showed a bunch of clips from movies such as (that I can remember) Jurassic Park, Final Fantasy, Mission To Mars, Queen of the Damned, Dragonfly, and various others that I didn't recognize. When the commercial started, it showed a caption that said "Imagination lives"; at the end of the commercial, it captioned "Imagination lives... on Sci-Fi". This song played in that commercial. One night I had the sense to tape the commercial, for the sole reason of the music used. I did manage to get this "bootlegged" version of the song from the tape (this was before I had a DVD recorder; and yes, I'm well aware that it's terrible quality beyond repair). However, about a year afterword that commercial accidentally got taped over, and I've not been able to find it since. I've searched all over the internet to find any information about this song, such as what it is called and who the artist is. So far, I've found precious little. I've found out that there was a series of commercials similar to this (themed "imagination lives") that aired on Sci-Fi around that time, but as far as I know the rest of them had different music. The best I've found has said that it was the song "Nara" by E.S. Posthumus; however, I have that song, and it's NOT IT. So some people say that it was a sort of "director's cut" of Nara. But, to my ears at least, the two songs sound very different. Anyway, that's all the information I have been able to turn up. So now I'm asking all of you: do YOU know what this song is? Recognize it from somewhere? Anything at all. If anyone can tell me what it is called, who it is by, and if it's available for purchase, I'd be forever grateful! I know this is a long shot, but it's worth a go. Thanks in advance for any help."
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