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  • 1251 samples posted
  • 10177 samples named
  • 26810 comments posted

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  • "Also since the sample is at the limit of watzatsong, could you upload the full song on Vocaroo?"
  • "Could you give us the lyrics, since I don't really know german"
  • new sample in Musique classique
  • "Guys It could be this one
    Just a Game by Triumph
    found some similarities and the song was also released in March/30/1979"
  • 1
    a sample in Rock
  • new sample in Rock
  • a sample in Country
  • 1
    a sample in Soul, Funk, Rap
  • 1
    "just to clarify, Dr Dre just used a sample of McCallum song"
  • a sample in Country
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